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Water Rockets

Click to enquire about a booking:  Schools work enquiry
We are in the STEM Directories or read on for details of this exciting workshop for age 9-14.

A great indoor/outdoor activity in which pupils work in groups of 2-3 to build their own water rocket from mostly scrap materials and then launch them up to 150m in the school field.

Typical timetable:

  • Short talk on the science of rockets including demonstrations with balloons, foam rockets and darts
  • Pupils build their own rocket
  • Fair testing to work out the optimum air/water ratio
  • Final assembly of rockets including mission patches
  • Launching up to 150m in the school field
  • Opportunity to measure time, distance and record results
  • Short careers link using “faces of Nasa”
  • Introduce the NPL water rocket challenge videos and resources

Science subject knowledge:

  • forces and motion
  • aerodynamics: drag, centre of gravity

Enquiry skills:

  • Fair testing
  • Predicting and measuring


  • Collecting data
  • Presenting results

Other skills:

  • Teamwork
  • Co-operation
  • Following instructions
  • Problem solving

How much the workshop would cost:

  • This depends on size, duration and distance (from Surrey) – generally in the range £500-£950/day
  • Usually a full day session lasting most of the day. Shorter sessions are possible but 4 hours is a minimum, the activity is interesting and challenging enough to fill a full day

Start saving 2 litre carbonated drinks bottle and cereal packets then book your school field for the afternoon and arrange for the event to take place.